Wednesday, December 28, 2005

Christmas Gift of 2005

Sharper Image Power Grip Strength Trainer with LCD and Voice Feedback

My mother got both my father and me one of these for Christmas.

Had you been privvy to Christmas at my house this year, you would surely revel in the brilliant irony of this gift.

PIRIOTS 12-25-05


1.)Dreyden Razook (sp?)

Collision Time/Location: Around 1:00pm. Newark International Airport. Gate 25.

And I know him from: The Westminster Schools, Atlanta, GA. He is the younger brother of Samantha Razook.

Did I speak to him: No.

My general feeling about this encounter: Well, when I spotted him, I think he was asleep. And I intended to speak with him, assuming we'd be on the same flight back to Atlanta for the holidays. But he never got on the plane. Maybe I should have woken him up.

Any Exciting News or Gossip? Nope.

2.) Gannon Murphy (sp?)

Collision Time/Location: Around 5:45pm. Hartsfield-Jackson Atlanta International Airport. Baggage Claim Area.

And I know him from: The Westminster Schools, Atlanta, GA. He was an actor in high school, too.

Did I speak to him: No.

My general feeling about this encounter: Oh, hey! Totally forgot about that guy. He's cool!

Any Exciting News or Gossip? Nuh-uh.

Wednesday, December 21, 2005

You say "strike" I say "SPARE!"

I don't NEED YOU, MTA!!

I got a new honey.

His name is RIOC.

He got him a tram:

Friday, December 16, 2005

PIRIOTS 12-15-05


Nick Daft

Collision Time/Location: Around 8:10pm. Houston Street between Wooster and Green Streets, on the south side of the street.

And I know him from: High School. He is one year younger than I.

Did I speak to him: Yes, akwardly.

My general feeling about this encounter: I saw Nick and recognized him immediately, so I kinda smiled at him and laughed out loud for some reason. I was in a kinda giddy mood anyway. He smiled back and as soon as I passed, I heard him say, "Jennifer!" as if he was either suprised or had audibly put a name with a face. I turned around and for some reason gave him a very weak hug and said, "Hi Nick, I haven't seen you in 12 years!" to which he very pleasantly responded, "It's okay you can keep on walking!" I said, "Okay, Bye!,"then we both laughed and walked away.

Any Exciting News or Gossip? I don't think so.

PIRIOTS 12-14-05


Maggie Gallant

Collision Time/Location:Around 7:40pm. Park Avenue and 24th street.

And I know her from: High School/Junior High. She is several years younger than I.

Did I speak to her: No, but I smiled.

My general feeling about this encounter: I knew that this girl lived in NY but I haven't yet run into her. I don't know if she recognized me, but she did look at me as if she might. She was talking on the phone and walking very quickly.

Any Exciting News or Gossip? She has an adorable dog - a miniature daschund, I think. . .

Monday, December 12, 2005

PIRIOTS 12-10-05


1.)Matt Somebody-or-Other

Collision Time/Location:Around 3:00pm. Outside the Kinkos at Astor Place.

And I know him from: He's an actor and he was in Couchworks, the last Slant show.

Did I speak to him: No.

My general feeling about this encounter: There's that guy.

Any Exciting News or Gossip? No.

2.)Amek (Emek?)

Collision Time/Location: Around 7pm. Funkadelic Studios.

And I know him from: He knows Omri and has played bass with us several times.

Did I speak to him: Yeah.

My general feeling about this encounter: Well, Stickerbook was waiting to get into our rehearsal space, and I saw Amek and said , "hi." He was surprised I was playing with another band besides Omri. Since his band was in the room next to us, he said, "stop by on your break and listen." I said, "sure, you too." Now, I'm not familiar with the way these music studios work, so maybe that happens a lot -- people listening to other bands -- but it had never happened to Stickerbook until we were had just started the "Chains" segment of "Here I go again" and the door opened, and in walks this Amek fella. He's like 6 ft tall and akward. We were startled and I had to explain who he was. So, we played that part again. He asked how long we'd been together. I told him and said, "We've come a long way." To which he replied, "Well, you have a long way to go. . . " !!!

So when we were leaving, I was exhausted. I saw him sitting there on his break, and said "goodbye," politely. And he was like, "please listen to one song!" and he seemed mad. I told him I couldn't, I was exhausted and that Stickerbook had ended rehearsal early because we were all so tired.

That was not wrong. He interrupted our rehearsal. He insulted us. He gave me a guilt trip.

Any Exciting News or Gossip?: Some musicians have no sense of humor.

PIRIOTS 12-9-05


1.)Anthony Atamanik(sp?)

Collision Time/Location: Around 6:00. St. Marks Place between 2nd and 3rd.

And I know him from: Improv. He was on my old harold team, Trillion.

Did I speak to him: Nope.

My general feeling about this encounter: I would have waved, but the street was crowded and he was talking to someone and didn't look up.

Any Exciting News or Gossip? No.

Cosmological Reason for Encounter: No.

2.)Miss Lennon Parham

Collision Time/Location: Around 7:20pm. The lobby of The Public Theatre.

And I know her from: Improv.

Did I speak to her: Yes.

My general feeling about this encounter: Mat and I both know Lennon. We went to see the 52nd Street Theatre Project. She was there. We chatted. It was lovely!

Any Exciting News or Gossip? Lennon and I are both from Atlanta. She went home for Thanksgiving. I'm going home for Christmas.

Cosmological Reason for Encounter: I'm tired of this question.

3.) Patricia McGregor

Collision Time/Location: Around 8:15pm. The Public Theatre at intermission

And I know her from: College and she was a manager at Julep, the bar where I worked in the summer/fall of 2004.

Did I speak to her: Uh-huh.

My general feeling about this encounter: She assistant directed the show. That's cool.

Any Exciting News or Gossip? Well, I thought it was noteworthy that she told Lennon that she had never known anyone who performed at the UCB except for her. Because I performed there. I told everyone at Julep about my shows, including her. I'm not angry. I just took note of that.

Wednesday, December 07, 2005

PIRIOTS 12/6/05

Miss Danielle Cook

Collision Time/Location: Around 6:15pm. The middle of the crosswalk on 59th street at 3rd Avenue, on the east side of the street.

And I know her from: Improv. She was on my project team for a few months!

Did I speak to her: Yep!

My general feeling about this encounter: Danielle is very nice and funny. I like her. I saw her before she saw me and I started waving while she waited for the walk signal. She didn't see me until we both started walking.

Any Exciting News or Gossip? She used to live on Roosie Isle. For 6 months she lived there! Also, she's gonna keep doing The Project, too! Yay!

Cosmological Reason for Encounter: Um, none.

Thursday, December 01, 2005

PIRIOTS 11/30/05



Collision Time/Location:Around 9:30am. Outside 399 Park Avenue.

And I know him from: He's Mat's playwright friend from UCSD Grad school.

Did I speak to him: Yeah!

My general feeling about this encounter: I think this is the last time I'm going to mention Barry unless I run into him at another location other than my building. It's almost like he's a coworker or something, and I expect to run into him now.

Any Exciting News or Gossip? No.

Cosmological Reason for Encounter: Uh - uh.

PIRIOTS 11/29/05

1.) A. Randall Sronce and John Montague

Collision Time/Location: Around 615pm. St. Marks Place between 2nd and 3rd.

And I know them from: Improv.

Did I speak to them?: Yes! I hadn't seen A. Randall in months!!

My general feeling about this encounter: It was great to see A. Randall!! We hugged a lot and made plans to hang out this weekend. John didn't say much. In fact, he acted downright strange. I coached his improv group once and I don't think I made a terribly good impression. But hey, dude, if you want a coach for your improv group, maybe get someone who's been actively doing improv instead of someone who's been avoiding albeit ignoring improv for more than 6 months. No hard feelings!

And Any Exciting News or Gossip? No.

Cosmological Reason for Encounter: None.

2.) Davis McCallum

Collision Time/Location: Around 9:30pm. Tisch School of the Arts black box theatre. The intermission of a 3rd year Grad Theatre Show.

And I know him from: We both attended The Westminster Schools, Atlanta Georgia. I think he was three years ahead of me? He was the star actor in his class. He played Hamlet and shit.

Did I speak to him?: Yeah. Although converation always seems akward. I'd had a huge margarita before the show this time, though, so I think I talked more than I usually would have.

My general feeling about this encounter: I seem to run into Davis at the theatre about twice a year. Mat says he sees him all the time at the theatre. I introduced them but neither seemed really excited about the introduction. Davis is a director. Mat is a playwright. Directors and playwrights go to the theatre a lot. Maybe next time they see each other they'll talk and become friends and collaborate and change the world with their combined artistic vision!!

And Any Exciting News or Gossip? He went to North Carolina for Thankgiving. Soooo Exciting.

Cosmological Reason for Encounter: Indroducing two talented contemporaries!!

Edited 12-1-05

3.) Anne Watters

Collision Time/Location: Time N/A, Tisch School of the Arts black box theatre.

And I know her from: We both attended The Westminster Schools, Atlanta Georgia. We were in a play in 6th grade called Wanna Play?! and it was extraordinary.

Did I speak to her?: No, but I would have if I had know she was there!

My general feeling about this encounter: This is not the first time three Westminster people have randomly attended a play at the same time in NYC. It is the second time, in my experience. Also, it's interesting that I didn't recognize her. I usually recognize people.

And Any Exciting News or Gossip? Anne Watters is a smoker. That would have been a discipline violation at Westminster. I was a little drunk. That, too would have been a violation of the drug/alcohol policy. Boy are we badass now.

Cosmological Reason for Encounter: ?