PIRIOTS 12-10-05
1.)Matt Somebody-or-Other
Collision Time/Location:Around 3:00pm. Outside the Kinkos at Astor Place.
And I know him from: He's an actor and he was in Couchworks, the last Slant show.
Did I speak to him: No.
My general feeling about this encounter: There's that guy.
Any Exciting News or Gossip? No.
2.)Amek (Emek?)
Collision Time/Location: Around 7pm. Funkadelic Studios.
And I know him from: He knows Omri and has played bass with us several times.
Did I speak to him: Yeah.
My general feeling about this encounter: Well, Stickerbook was waiting to get into our rehearsal space, and I saw Amek and said , "hi." He was surprised I was playing with another band besides Omri. Since his band was in the room next to us, he said, "stop by on your break and listen." I said, "sure, you too." Now, I'm not familiar with the way these music studios work, so maybe that happens a lot -- people listening to other bands -- but it had never happened to Stickerbook until we were had just started the "Chains" segment of "Here I go again" and the door opened, and in walks this Amek fella. He's like 6 ft tall and akward. We were startled and I had to explain who he was. So, we played that part again. He asked how long we'd been together. I told him and said, "We've come a long way." To which he replied, "Well, you have a long way to go. . . " !!!
So when we were leaving, I was exhausted. I saw him sitting there on his break, and said "goodbye," politely. And he was like, "please listen to one song!" and he seemed mad. I told him I couldn't, I was exhausted and that Stickerbook had ended rehearsal early because we were all so tired.
That was not wrong. He interrupted our rehearsal. He insulted us. He gave me a guilt trip.
Any Exciting News or Gossip?: Some musicians have no sense of humor.
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