Monday, November 28, 2005

PIRIOTS 11/22/05

John McCrea

Time/Location: Around 10:00am. San Benedicto(?) Restaurant, Sacramento, CA

And I know him from: He's the front man of the band Cake. I didn't know who he was at first. Mat's brother-in-law, Todd, manages this restaurant and pointed him out to us.

Did I speak to him: No. He had that look going where they wear the sunglasses and the hat indoors and maybe that lets you know that he's not available for conversation.

My general feeling about this encounter: This guy has a cute dog. He/She waited patiently outside the restaurant for Mr. Cake while Mr. Cake read his paper in the corner and deterred conversationalist.

And Any Exciting News or Gossip? Mr. Cake eats breakfast at that restaurant almost every day and has been wearing similar outfits for many, many years. He drives one of those pickups with the enclosed back that should probably be called a suburban but retains the title "pickup. " We didn't follow him. We just happened to finish breakfast at the same time. And then we just happened to be stalking him when we found out where he lives and his bank account number.

Cosmological Reason for Encounter: We're going the distance.

PIRIOTS 11/21/05

Warren Moon

Time/Location: Around 5:10pm. Beringer Estates Wine Tasting Room, St. Helena, CA.

And I know him from: Well, I didn't know who he was. The Lady in the shoppe at the Beringer Vinyards knew who he was and told Mat and I, and then I looked him up on the Wikipedia. He's a retired footballer of the quarterback variety. He even played American football in Canada, which I didn't know that they did!

Did I speak to him: No. I was too wasted. Mat and I got a private Historical Tour of the Beringer Estates because no one else signed up for it that day. So, we also got a private wine tasting. Also, Warren was surrounded by large men and beautiful women. We got so scared.

My general feeling about this encounter: Well, we were dilly-dallying and trying to decide which bottles to buy in the store, when we realized that the store was trying to close. The only reason they were still open was because former QB Warren Moon was boozin' it up with some ladies in the tasting room. So, thanks QBWM for allowing us a little more time to shop.

And Any Exciting News or Gossip? Our tour guide, Tim, found his appreciation for wine when he came home one night S-T-O-N-E-D to find an open bottle of merlot on the kitchen counter. Also, we found out that in Napa Valley, when you walk around with your young-uns on Halloween, you bring with you an empty wine glass and get it filled at every house along the way.

Cosmological Reason for Encounter: I think it's clear what this encounter means in the whole scheme, don't you?

The Wool Cap

Dear The Wool Cap,

I couldn't sleep last night and so I watched you on TV. You are a film starring Willam H. Macy as a mute vietnam vet/hero-turned-superintendent who befriends the brilliant abandoned 9-year-old daughter of a junkie who lives in his building. Why did you keep me up until 3am? I'll tell you why. Because you were able to keep me tuned in to you by squeezing the hope from my heart and forcing me to become dependent upon it's sweet and sour juice. In my entire life, I have never seen a movie that went from low to sad to sadder to depressing to apocalyptic all the while maintaining a thin thread of optimism. I had to deduce that there was optimism involved in the story by noting the supporting actors involved such as comic playersCatherine O'Hara and Don Rickles. I survived, but GOOD LORD, if i didn't get heavier and heavier with grief while I was tight-rope walking on that wire!!! I just wanted to tell you what you did, The Wool Cap, and see what kind of response I get, because I dont' know whether or not you succeed in what you set out to do. You made me stay up late and you made me cry 5 or six times. That's all.

Your Friend(?),

Thursday, November 17, 2005

PIRIOTS 11/16/05


1.) Rachel Caruso

Collision Time/Location: Around 9am. 399 Park Avenue. She was coming out of the C-15 elevator bank

And I know her from: Improv.

Did I speak to them? No. Here's the thing! It's not the first time I've seen her in this building. And I always make eye contact and smile, but as soon as the wave and the "hi!" start to emerge, she looks away as if she either doesn't know me, doesn't recognize me, or is trying to avoid me. All of these possiblilities are completely valid. I don't know if we've ever spoken to each other ever. I think she's my Friendster, though. So who knows.

My general feeling about this encounter: Are you shy, Rachel? The people in my office think I'm shy. I'm not, I just act that way at the office. Maybe you do that, too? I don't know. I feel as if I know a lot of people who don't know me.

And Any Exciting News or Gossip? I am not someone that people remember.

Cosmological Reason for Encounter: None.

2.) Rob Webber

Collision Time/Location: Around 5:30pm. Lexington Avenue - the west sidewalk from 54th until 56th.

And I know him from: Improv.

Did I speak to them? No. I was in a hurry. And, after the Caruso encounter, I assume no one knows me.

My general feeling about this encounter: It was akward. I should have waved or something. I didn't

And Any Exciting News or Gossip? I'm a wussy.

Cosmological Reason for Encounter: None.

Sunday, November 13, 2005

PIRIOTS 11/11/05

1.) I think his name is Matt Himes

Collision Time/Location: Around 5:30pm. Outside Radio City Music Hall

And I know her from: Improv.

Did I speak to them? No. I don't really know him and I was on the phone.

My general feeling about this encounter: "Is that guy's name Matt Himes?"

And Any Exciting News or Gossip? No.

Cosmological Reason for Encounter: None.

Friday, November 11, 2005

PIRIOTS 11/10/05

Let me begin by making a formal apology to Natasha Levinger for using, with wreckless abandon, the one word she despises.

Dear Natasha, I sincerely apologize. Please brace yourself. Here it comes again.

1.) Risa Sang-Uri

Collision Time/Location: Around 4:45pm. Crossing 6th Avenue at 14th street, headed east.

And I know her from: She is an improvisor at the UCB.

Did I speak to them? No. I was in a car. It was a drive-by.

My general feeling about this encounter: "Hey, There's Risa."

And Any Exciting News or Gossip? No.

Cosmological Reason for Encounter: None.

2.)BARRY! (Same as the FIRST.)

Collision Time/Location:Around 5 pm. Virgin Megastore at Union Square. The international section.

And I know him from: He's Mat's playwright friend from UCSD Grad school!!

Did I speak to him: Yes. How uncanny!!

My general feeling about this encounter: Hilariousity. com! I was running an errand for work ("Go to Virgin Mega Store and buy 50 cd's.") I saw him first. I was all "NO WAY ARE YOU STALKING ME OR SOMETHING!!" and Barry was all, "NO WAY ARE YOU REALLY BUYING ALL THOSE CD'S!!!??"

Any Exciting News or Gossip? I randomly ran into Barry twice within 3 days.

Cosmological Reason for Encounter: I'm starting to look for a reason for this one.

Thursday, November 10, 2005

People I run into on the street (PIRIOTS)

Project PIRIOTS:

Amendments: Does a famous person count as someone you know?
Does it count if you know who they are but wouldn't necessarily speak to them?

1.)Rob Cordry

Collision Time/Location:

Around10:30 pm. On Houston St. and 1st Avenue near the 2nd Avenue F train stop

And I know him from:

He's an improviser and he's on The Daily Show.

Did I speak to him:

No way!

My general feeling about this encounter:

It was cool. I said to Mat, "That was Rob Cordry." He said, "Who's that?" I said, "He's on The Daily Show and he's also an improviser. Mat replied, "Oh well aren't you little miss 'I know everybody in NYC!' "

And Any Exciting News or Gossip?


Cosmological Reason for Encounter:


2.)Dave Warth, Dave Furf?, and Ernie Privatera

Collision Time/Location:

Around 10:35 pm. At a window booth in the restaurant/Pub called One and One on the corner of 1st Street and 1st Avenue.

And I know them from:

They are improv people.

Did I speak to them?


My general feeling about this encounter:

"Hey, I kind-of know those guys."

And Any Exciting News or Gossip?


Cosmological Reason for Encounter:


Tuesday, November 08, 2005

My universe is contracting!

Amid the chaos of this city of millions, I randomly run into people I know ALL THE TIME.
I will now begin to proove this with a fun and exciting SCIENTIFIC EXPERIMENT!
Beginning today, November 8, 2005, I will keep track of every single person that I run into.

Things to keep in mind:
I live on Roosevelt Island. I don't live where everyone else lives. I still run into people.
I don't have a whole lot of friends, per se, but I still know a lot of people.
I am never looking for people I know.

Here's what you're all waiting for . . .

BARRY! (his last name doesn't matter!)

Collision Time/Location:
Around 9 am. The 15-39 elevator in 399 Park Avenue.

And I know him from:
He's Mat's playwright friend from UCSD Grad school!!

Did I speak to him:
Yes. I did introduce myself, because I'm always afraid no one will remember me. Because I'm somewhat ordinary.

My general feeling about this encounter:
Great! I think I was super energetic because I had already been at work for an hour and he was just then arriving at work. I hope I didn't scare him.

Any Exciting News or Gossip?
Barry just took a permanent job at a law firm. He works on the 31st floor and I work on the 39th floor. He'd like to move to Brooklyn.

Cosmological Reason for Encounter:
Nothing blatant.

I'll probably come up with a chart for this experiment -- a chart and some other statistics visuals.
So that you will all think me the next great Einstein.

Monday, November 07, 2005

Political Adorable Rhetorical

Barack Obama.
You are my hero.
Please save America!!
You have a great smile.
I saw you on The Daily Show.
I am totally not hitting on you.
By Hammy, Age 28

New Apartment, uh . . .New Blog!!

I moved. So I started a new blog.
Don't worry, you can still check the old one for references: